Ok, so my posts have been mediocre for a while. This post is going to knock the socks of you!
I mentioned in an earlier post that in December 2005 my Dad now living in Holland with my eldest brother was diagnosed with cancer -Non Small Cell Lung Cancer – NSCLC or large cell carcinoma. At the time of diagnosis Dad was in stage four and was given two options.
Option one: No Treatment and two months to live.
Option two: Immediate chemotherapy.
I had phoned him and had a chat with him, and at the beginning of January, he did not sound too good. He told me not to worry because God was going to turn this around. Right after that call we got Dad onto “The Father’s House” prayer list, his Church in Holland started praying for him too, as well as family in South Africa, Holland, UK, and of course us here in the States. What really was a wonderful gesture was the family in South Africa called us to a fast, and knowing the power of God working in a circumstance when we fast, it was a welcome and timely thing to do.
Dad’s next scan revealed that his right lung had cleared and that the tumor had not grown. He continued the treatment, going into the third segment of the process. Knowing that with this particular strain, there are only 4 rounds of treatment when it has advanced to stage 4 – Dad went last Monday for a scan and check up…what was to unfold that day is an absolute indication that God still works miracles today!
The xrays and tests were brought to Dad and my brother, and the tumor is GONE! I am compelled to Praise the Lord because this is a miracle from God! Thank you Jesus Christ for working in this circumstance – all the Glory is returned back to You.
I know that to many people this sounds off the wall, weird and strange. But how do you cry out to God, asking Him for a miracle, and then to know the full extent of a situation, knowing the end prognosis is poor, yet after physical tests evidence a super-natural experience. If you were to ask my Dad “what happened” he will tell you straight up “I am healed because God touched me”. His life has transformed – he tells me that he wishes he had followed the Lord earlier because he has missed out on His goodness – this is a work of God, there is no doubt.
Why would God bring healing to Dad, and yet Mom isn’t with us anymore? Well, because He can, it is His call, to give life, healing, salvation – it is all upto Him. I know in my heart that Mom is in the presence of the Lord rejoicing and worshipping God. What matters is how we live through the years given to us, and make sure our destiny is secure in Christ.
I rejoice in the events of this week, and am compelled to share this testimony with you. All we know is for this time God has performed a miracle and therefore the Glory is returned back to Him 100 fold.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post – it is the best post I have penned yet!
Glory to God…!!!
Category: Scripture