So back to the Geek Alert; you know when you buy a computer nowadays, you plug it all in and start playing right away, the machine is factory setup to run with minimal setup issues. After asking a few questions and experimenting, I have figured out a trick to free up resources. I won’t get too detailed in this post, but if you check on your system resources you will be able to work out that close on 66% of system resources are running and being used ALL THE TIME. This is normally pre-installed “gunk” that really serves no purpose other than to have sponsors and advertisers pay for the manufacture of the unit in the first place. Well, the trick is to head on into the deep and dreary depths of the operating system, make a few changes, and presto – resources are freed from your systems’ operating ram, and you increase the speed of the system without having to make drastic costly changes.
Geek Alert #2 is this; if you find that Explorer trips you up every now and then, may I give you a suggestion to give Mozilla a try? You will be pleasantly surprisedat the speed of this free browser, and furthermore the layout and preferences tab allow yu to custom build your broswer so that it runs and performs the way you want it to, not like the very generic Explorer. Mozilla has a wealth of tricks in there – the ability to disable cookies for one, build your browser to run the way you want it to, view complex sites and graphics in a fraction of the time Explorer does…all I can say is give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised…