This is my written journal entry for that morning, which I would like to share with you;
Knowing, Trusting & Seeking
Psalm 9:10
Those who know Your name, trust in You. For you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.
His name to me is Redeemer, Savior, Comforter, Friend, Provider, Healer, Creator, Majesty, Peace, Love. His names are endless and true. Lord am I one of those who knows Your name? As I sit here at the southern entrance to Yosemite National Park, I take this moment to repent, turn from evil, confess my sin and re-dedicate my body, soul and spirit to You on this glorious day.
Because I know Your name – I can trust in you as David did when he confronted Goliath. To know You is to trust in You. The depth of knowing You cannot change the level of trust I have in You – it simply means where I am in all my limitations, knowing Your name in my life is enough to trust You with my life.
Why do I sometimes feel forsaken by You? Your promise is to never forsake those who seek You. My mind is a stumbling block. Your word is true! You will never forsake me when I seek You.
Lord you make this serving You easy – all I have to do is “know You”, “trust in You” and “Seek You”. Lord help me to have childlike faith – when You say ‘come, go, stay’ let me hear You, let me know You, let me trust You and let me seek You.
Your promise is to never forsake those who seek You, so help me daily to know You, to trust in You, and to grow in my desire to seek You more.
Lord thank You for leading me to Your word today. I am strengthened in my spirit, excited for the future, and comforted in knowing you as my Savior, knowing Your name – trusting in You, I seek You!
Sometimes we think passage of scripture and a rhema word is for us alone, but I wanted to take this opportunity to share my personal entry with you, in the hope that whatever you are facing or dealing with, these words will give you courage to face each obstacle with boldness knowing that whatever you are navigating you do so not alone. Many of you know through reading the entries in the Journal that I have faced and continue to face interesting situations, and were it not for the Lord ~ failure would be imminent, but I know for sure, that He is in control, and if He can bring His word through scripture to illuminate my path then I know because we walk the same narrow path He will light your way too.