Let me start out by wishing you all a very wonderful 2010! Don’t know about you, but I am relieved that 2009 is history, not discounting the lessons I learned along the way, but rejoicing as we enter 2010 – there is an air of expectancy, excitement for what lies ahead!
I was thinking of some of the practical ways as a believer I could demonstrate the love of Christ, in a simple yet effective way, and it dawned on me that sometimes we complicate the Gospel, and shy away from reaching out to bless people around us. Not sure if you understand what I am saying, but I am guilty of doing that! People say “the Lord told me to do this” or “The Lord spoke clearly to me” well, I haven’t heard His voice, but there are times when I have an urge inside of me to act – to do something – to step into a place where I usually don’t, purely for the purpose of impacting someone’s life.
It would be so much easier if as in the days when Jesus walked with the disciples, and commanded Peter to walk on water, at least we would be easier to convince of His glorious working power – right? Maybe not! Even Peter after seeing Jesus walk on water, walking on it himself, taking His eyes off Christ, began to sink – I think the waves that began rising caused fear to grip Peter.
Life is like that too. Jesus – ever the loving father, always there for us, outstretched hand, beckoning us to come closer, yet we allow the waves of every day life and circumstance to toss us to and fro, sometimes sinking, sometimes taking in a mouthful of water and choking, other times scrambling for the shore, all the while Jesus remains faithful wanting no harm to come to us. How is it then, that we are so easily distracted, knowing that our Lord and Savior is the very one who lives in us, and will use every circumstance as a means to drawing us closer to Him, yet we shrink back, and sometimes even urge others to go ahead instead of us?
Often I look at the big names out there, and marvel at their testimonies, and how the Lord used them for His glory, and then consider us – surely there is more to life than this? Surely we each have a role to play in our walk with the Lord? Is there something I can do today, that will bless someone, cause them to consider what motivated a stranger to help them?
1 John 3:16v18 ~ This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and truth.
This scripture confronted me to the core. So if Jesus lives in my heart, then His love must be evident, and demonstrable. How do we go about then demonstrating His love working in and through us? Thought provoking questions arise, and well up within me to examine the state of my own life. Many opportunities have been passed up, through my own fear, looking at those waves, lacking in trust, denying that tiny mustard seed faith, swimming for shore and almost pretending I can’t see the Lord in a situation!
So the question came to mind “Have you considered a love dare?” Well, truthfully – No! But I do consider it now, knowing how much Christ loves me, lives in me, and wants me to step out of my comfort zone, the boat I am in navigating through life, and He wants me to keep focused on him, but at the same time having some form of impact in the lives of those in my circle of influence. What is a love dare?
If you have family that you haven’t connected with for a while, send them an email, or a text message, tell them ‘I am thinking of you today”. If you are on one of the many social networking sites out there, take a moment to listen to your heart, and allow the Lord to lead you to someone who needs to be encouraged, send them a gentle word. Maybe your husband or wife hasn’t heard you pay a compliment in a while, step out of your boat, and say something that will bless and encourage. Be kind to someone at the drive-through, leave a tip, and wish them a happy day. Check on your neighbor, ask if they are doing ok, and if you can help them in any way, run an errand, put their mail in the box for them. For some of us, it is as simple as a SMILE.
I can assure you, by doing just the simplest of acts, will bless someone! The fact that you cared enough to say something, to reach out, to encourage…to practice a love dare…and impact someone’s life will return in such a blessing for you!
This 2010, the Lord bless, and provide, and comfort all as we go about doing ‘life’ together.