It’s quite strange how life comes at us with interesting situations that we can’t figure out or understand, and proceed to think we are the only ones going through whatever it is that is troubling us. The good news is that even when people around us fail, when systems no longer work, and when we are at our weakest moment in life, there is one who sees, who knows our name, and desires His best for us.
Every day we see dreadful things happening on the news, not sure why they even call it news because it is 90% bad most of the time. This week a plane took off from Johannesburg in South Africa, destined for Tripoli – it crashed on landing and all but one child survived.
On Wednesday this week here in Temecula California, a friend of ours was fatally shot and killed in front of his family. How do you deal with this? Where do you go? How do you muster up the strength to face another minute?
You see these events happening every day and wonder “why does this happen like that”. Well, there are no logical answers. All I know for a fact is that without trusting and believing in the Lord – life really is filled with emptiness and sorrow. Have you ever wondered how you would handle that fateful phone call, or knock on the door? I know that without God in my life, I would not respond well, and would be a hopeless individual offering no sense of peace or hope in a desperate situation. Strange that we are living in times that people think there is no need for a Savior, and that talent, skill and possession will be enough to conquer any eventuality that will come along.
In the lyrics to the song above, the encouragement is that “He sees YOU! He knows YOUR name” and He wants to be intimately connected to your life. Especially the times we are living in, how can anyone not trust in the Lord for peace, for provision, for hope and joy?
I sometimes think it is an honor to face challenges, because one of two things will happen – either you will double over and fold in a heap of anguish and despair, or you will look the challenge right in the face and commandingly say “BRING IT ON”. When those difficulties come, be encouraged, and know that you don’t have to face them alone, and that there is nothing new under the ‘Son’ and that He will give strength and provide a way for victory.