John 11v35 “Jesus wept.”
One noun, one verb…that’s it. It’s been bothering me for a short while, why Jesus would weep. Most of us know the backdrop to this story. Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived together. Lazarus died four days earlier, and not only were Mary and Martha devastated at the loss of their brother, so were their friends and acquittance’s.
I have no doubt that they would have sent on ahead to Jesus the news that Lazarus was ill, then the tragic news of his passing, burial and placing in the tomb. Imagine the doubt and misconception to those who knew that Jesus and Lazarus were close friends, yet Jesus didn’t show up, and now the stench of death was permeating the air. What happened to the miracle worker? The question beckons…
There is no exception, Jesus already knew that in a moment He was going to call Lazarus to come forth, and joy would once again fill the hearts of those close to Lazarus. But why did Jesus weep? I think Jesus identified with the pain and sorrow of the loss being experienced by family and friends at the passing of a loved one. When you love someone, you empathize with that person’s pain. This verse speaks volumes of the extraordinary love of Jesus Christ for each soul that He created. As Jesus observed that dark scene of death, He felt the heartbreak of those around Him. Such feelings would be painful enough, but I believe His sorrow went even deeper than that single moment in time. I believe the pain He felt as He considered death as an entity encompassed the ages – from the beginning of time until the end, and His heart was engulfed with sorrow.
Luke 5v22 “Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?”
Isn’t it amazing that no matter what we are facing in life, that Jesus already knows of it. Sometimes we feel we are in the middle of a Lazarus moment, we have progressed from illness to death in what seems a lifetime, and crying out to the Lord in the hope that He will show up, leads us down that path that either continues to allow distraught emotions to take control, or the existence of hope – that as He showed up for Mary and Martha, to raise Lazarus from the grave, He is moments away from our inevitable rescue.
I am encouraged that Jesus shows up at the exact right time! He is never early, never late, always on time, and He knows what we are thinking, what our emotions are doing, and how to bring His heart into the midst of a doubtful, deathly difficult situation. Such love is indescribable.