Prior COVID life was somewhat predictable. You just got on with it, and whatever “it” was – success would more than likely follow. Then there was the long middle circa 2022-2023 where outcomes were not favorable for millions of people.
Suddenly, operating a business became a daunting challenge. No rule book. Just a constant grind. Businesses were closing, and only those with resources and deep pockets marginally survived. Of course survival largely depended on what industry or service one was providing. Some actually made sickening profits, while others shuttered for good. Loyalty took on a different meaning, actually, rephrase that – loyalty went out the window. Common sense was no longer common.
Throw in an election year through 2024, and that added a twist to business too! Consumer spending declined, resistance to luxury goods increased, and again, a new round of closures, particularly hitting the backbone of the economy – small businesses started and have continued to die on the vine.
The question is; what is the solution to this madness? I don’t know. Doing life one day at a time appears to be the new normal. To work as hard as you can, every day. White-knuckle through the days, weeks and months in the hope of positive change.
My guess is that positive change looks different for everyone. For some it’s a new lease on life. For others, a new job with secure income. Maybe a relocation? Landing a steady account, and building solid partnerships?
Maybe it’s also time to do some soul searching and inner reflections? Mapping out a course that is actually leading toward a favorable outcome for everyone in you circle of influence.
We’re already in February of 2025, so while the proverbial dust continues to settle, this might be a good time for a reality check. What can I do better going forward? Is there something I can change that will positively impact my life and that of those around me?
What does your reality check look like today?