This has been a very difficult weekend. Karin took the step to fly to Holland to be with Dad for two weeks, and it was a dream for me to travel too, just to bless Dad and be around him for a little while. Over the months he has been struggling with his health, but through it all has stood firm and bold in the knowledge that the Lord is in full control. Dad came to fellowship at a Church in Voorthuizen called Het Kruispunt where he truly became a part of the family of God. Over the months and weeks, the brothers and sisters surrounded Dad with love, prayer, scripture and worship. Well, as Karin arrived in Holland a phone call from the Hospice notifying Bill that Dad was not doing well. He was able to see Karin walk in the door, to which he exclaimed “I can’t believe it – you are actually here…” The Church brothers and sisters had also gathered together with our family and at 15:50 Saturday Dad went to be with the Lord. I am in the process of preparing to go to Holland to be with my family to bury a man that had a profound impact on my life – my Dad. I watched Dad transform from a sinner to a believer, and have been blessed and count it an honor to have witnessed the goodness of God working in and through Dad. He didn’t understand or see it in this life, but unknowingly he touched many people through his example and faith. He has completed his race, he has won the prize – eternal life in glory with the Lord. Yes we are devastated and sad but our hearts rejoice because Dad graduated and has gone home to be with Mom and all the other saints who have gone before. I don’t have too much else to say right now, but will be adding to the Journal when I return from Holland.
Category: Scripture