Nancy and I look at our daughters and see how the enemy is unrelenting, and his desire is to take them away from serving the Lord. Seeing the seriousness in all of this, we came to the conclusion today that above every other need within a family, prayer is critical for survival.
How many of us had a road map or handbook describing in detail how to be perfect parents, leading and guiding our children in such a way that they model our lives and that of the Lord as they learn to navigate their futures?
There are multitudes of books and suggestions and motivational speakers out there that will offer amazing techniques and tips to be wonderful parents, and to hopefully have children that turn out to be replicas of angels, but the reality is, each household has challenges that are unlike techniques and bullet points of perfection.
Imagine someone knocking on your front door and you open the door and they hand you a check for one hundred million dollars! Would you accept it and set to work on sharing your new found wealth, or would you slam the door closed and shun not only the gift but the giver?
Peter said to the lame man who would beg at the gates of the temple, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk”. Acts 3v6
Today we know how hard life is. There are homes that are in dire need of the Lord. Some parents are struggling beyond measure and have nowhere to turn. Others have one spouse serving the Lord, and the other in the world. Others yet, are raising their children alone, and having to hold down their job, run a home, and be a mother and father.
As believers, the Lord has graciously equipped us with the ability to cry out to Him, to pray, and seek His face. Many of us do this for our own lives consistently, and the Lord is merciful in responding.
What if we were to shift our prayer focus away from our own lack, our own needs, and our own struggles, and prefer to bring someone navigating a parental nightmare before the Lord?
Without a doubt we could all submit at least one family, one mother, one father, one child in need of the Lord’s touch, and blessing in their lives.
Nancy and I want to take this opportunity in this discussion thread to open the group to such a time of prayer.
If you are experiencing one of the many storms of life, and it just so happens that your child is at the center of this storm, would you allow us to partner with you in prayer? We are by no means asking for details, but want to step forward into your life and bring your need before Christ. Be it for an attitude shift, healing, salvation…we believe that in Jesus name all things are possible.
There are five areas of prayer covering for your child that we would like to partner with you;
- Purity: Pray for purity for your children and for their future spouses.
- Relationships: That our children will develop strong relationships with Christ.
- Protection: Pray for physical, spiritual and emotional protection over their lives.
- Personal Weaknesses: Every child has struggles. Pray that God will shape weakness into strength.
- Thanks: Each child God blessed us parents with is unique. We thank God for these special qualities all our children have and that Christ would continue to develop these characteristics in our children.
What we are asking for is if you are comfortable with us partnering with you in prayer, we want to set aside time during each week, as names and needs are submitted to pray, to seek the Lord, and to cry out to Him for our children. For this to happen, we need you to respond via email, all we need is your name, and your child’s name.
Send us an email to this address:
This generation is in the race for their lives, and we are handing off the baton to them, so that they can continue to run, and end well. There is no age limit, and remember that God loves our children more than we will ever know or understand and what a glorious honor we have to bring each one before the Lord in prayer, and watch from a far how He will transform their lives!