Recently I made a personal decision to ease off on the amount of time being spent on Facebook. Crazy huh?
It’s an amazing conduit for staying in touch with loved ones, family and friends, and with each passing day the social vibe snakes across cyberspace ever changing and intruding the divide we know called reality and millions of pixels that come to life when we turn the harddrive on. What has begun to concern me is nothing new, and for the most part without venturing across the line where truth and conspiracy are separated. My decision to ease off on Facebook primarily encompasses the ever dwindling size of the globe through technology, and the undertones surrounding the very obvious moves toward the end times – the subliminal encroaching on our freedoms and liberty and oblivious information gathering happening right in front of us all. This is a whole can of worms for another entry…but for those of you in the ‘know’ will attest to the reality and strategy of control and ushering in of the system previous generations spoke of…we are living in those days!
I knew going into this realm of journaling snippets from my life, that I would sometimes be faced with a burning sense of urgency to share from deep within my heart what I believe and perceive as urgency to listen, to pay attention, to discern and to act upon – to make myself vulnerable and in humility share with confidence in the hope that if it were possible; even one single soul would respond.
Have you ever met someone who in conversation will say “the Lord SPOKE to me, I heard Him clear as day…”? I have never heard the Lord audibly – not sure if I would survive the experience, and it would concern me why of the 7 billion people on the planet He would single me out to speak to! So, for me, I can say with assurance that I hear the Lord’s voice, not audibly, but through His word, through brothers and sisters, through situations and circumstance that turn my attention to seek Him – A short while ago, I was reading through scripture and in that moment I believe the Lord spoke to me.
*The only caveat I place solely on myself is that if I share something that is biblically unsound, slanted from the truth, or questionable, I humbly submit to the Lord and open my life to correction.
Amos 8v11-12 “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land – not a famine of food or thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. Men will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the Lord but they will not find it.”
It is not possible for any one of us to reach the entire world, to sound the alarm, to bring a warning, but at the same time, we all have some degree of influence within our own circles of trust. If we take head and listen to what the Lord declares today, and take His word to heart, and as in the protocol of a ‘may-day’ situation in flight 33000 feet above the ground, place that mask over our face and begin breathing air, start reaching out and help them with a sense of urgency. Who are ‘them’? Fill in the blanks…them could be your best friend, coworker, parent, sibling, boss or the fellow standing behind you in line for a cup of coffee.
That oxygen mask is His forgiveness. We can only achieve right standing with Christ when we humble ourselves, unzip our lives, and fall on “THE” Rock we know to be Jesus Christ, before as we are warned in scripture that rock crushes us. (Matt. 21v44 He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.)
The days Amos spoke of in the Old Testament, those days are here friends. We must earnestly turn to the Author of life, time is short, look at the state of the world today – sin, corruption, wickedness and the selfishness of man is beyond our understanding. Every possible calamity known to man for the past few years have been sweeping across continents, sickness, disease, wars and rumors of wars, dissent, greed and every other evil continues to flourish. The world is groaning…time is short, that famine Amos speaks of is sweeping the world, and it’s sweep has begun in the church. We ought to fall on our knees and cry out to Him for mercy on those who rule and reign in man made structures and divert the truth in exchange for the riches of this world masked under the pretense of falsely proclaiming a hope that doesn’t deliver to the seeker. We can no longer hold fast the promise that once saved always saved (I will take flack for this statement no doubt) but we must take heed to Rev. 2v21-22 “I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways.”
Who do we suppose this warning is directed to? Verse 20 reveals – “Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.” The very ones that purport to be led by the Spirit, to be proclaiming the ‘truth’, yet when confronted escape behind armor bearers who are equally misled. It’s this very famine that in the midst of sin and wickedness will continue to sweep across the globe starting within the confines of the church.
It’s for this very reason I don’t take this word lightly, and yet with cautious fear must begin to sound the alarm, to put the word out there, and to reach out to those in my circle of influence, if even one soul, to turn while there is time, while His grace and mercy abounds, before His presence lifts and the curtain begins to close…we all have a destiny, this is just a journey, the time to choose which path you will travel on must begin today, time is of the essence – that famine is upon us and we must humble ourselves in His presence, make right, and make good so that our destiny is secure in Christ, not wavering, but steadfast in the knowledge of what is happening around us, knowing that the end is near, and because of the confession of our faith, we know we are firmly planted in His kingdom, and that He holds each of us in the palm of His hand – it’s a beautiful place, secure and protected, free and comforted…
Remember this day, the word of Lord proclaims a day that is coming, and with it a famine, not of food or thirst for water, but a famine of His word, come with me, join me, let us go into the house of the Lord together, choose today the path that will lead you to eternal life in His presence.
My open invitation to you – yes YOU – I want you to share in eternal life with all the saints, this is a beautiful free gift, bought and paid for, heed this call, and come home. He says He will not strive with mankind forever…
If you have been challenged I invite you to write me, allow me to partner with you, let’s find Jesus together, He is knocking at the door of your heart…don’t be found in that place where the famine sweeps across your soul and you find yourself in that moment of reality where change is no longer possible.
Please…head the word of the Lord today!