There is no doubt in my mind that this has been an interesting year. I haven’t journaled for a while, this thing called life stepped into the path and no alternatives existed for me to sit down and ponder. Now, with a week away from work, I sit looking out the window across the way,…
Author: Brother Sjambok
Raising Eyebrows
The world is in a precarious position. I don’t think it takes rocket science to figure out that chaos is abounding, disorder is the order of the day and mankind is oblivious to the collision course we are on with certain destiny. Pretty deep opening statement; but true nonetheless. A few years ago on Easter…
A.O.T.P – All Over The Page
So it’s been a while since I posted a simple random thread. It’s Sunday afternoon and I figured while it’s still weekend, and the sun is fixing to set, and a few random things have happened lately, this would be a good time to catch up on my random access to information…in my mind. I…
Faithful to Another’s Vision
1 Kings 19v19-21 So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat. He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself was driving the twelfth pair. Elijah went up to him and threw his cloak around him. Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. “Let me kiss my father and…
Short Verse, Deep Meaning.
John 11v35 “Jesus wept.” One noun, one verb…that’s it. It’s been bothering me for a short while, why Jesus would weep. Most of us know the backdrop to this story. Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived together. Lazarus died four days earlier, and not only were Mary and Martha devastated at the loss of their brother,…
Empty Buildings
Time has literally escaped from under my feet! I have been meaning to update the Journal for a while, and truthfully just haven’t got around to it. Today seems a good day for me to take a moment to play ‘catch-up’, and although much has been happening in the wake of 2011 I really wanted…
Hole in One; the Importance of Team Work
John my neighbor and I were chatting the other day. He is 93 and enjoys a game of golf with his buddies. He was telling me how his eyesight is failing, and the DMV won’t renew his license so he can no longer drive, let alone see where he is going most of the time….
The Ground Zero Poll
What are your thoughts on the proposed construction of a Mosque in the vicinity of Ground Zero? Your comments and votes are welcome; one of the freedoms we still enjoy. [polldaddy poll=3642111] Related Articles New Yorkers: 63% Oppose Mosque, Will Impact Votes In Fall ( Thumbs down – Bad reviews for remarks on mosque (…
God Gave Me You
Just finished listening to a song by Dave Barnes – God Gave Me You (for the ups and downs), and as I listened to the lyrics it dawned on me that for sure some people are put across our path by the Lord for a specific reason, be it for good or bad. Ah how…
Keeping It Simple
I often marvel at the technology that is available at our fingertips and the freedom we have today to share information across a multitude of platforms. It was in 1995 that I sat in my office with an internet technician hooking up my computer to the “internet” via a “dial-up” modem. At the time I had no…