The cluttered perspective. Interesting play on words. When I view something through my lens it looks cluttered, unappealing, distraught, perhaps even mystically miss-aligned. Yet through the viewer’s eye it means everything to them. It is logically possible that while something is in perfect perspective on the one hand, it is a mesh-mash on the other….
My Ramblings
Writing about daily events that come across my path. Some entries are random, some will change your life, if you let them.
Content Matters
There is a lot of hype about content. It either gains momentum as it garners interest or you lose your target audience within moments. Content matters! I have found that often the best told story is the one you have lived yourself. It’s penned in the paragraphs that what you speak of is truth, and…
Formula One Motor Racing Dilemma
You’ve all heard of Formula One motor racing at some point. From the late greats Fangio and Senna, to the 2014 crowned World Champion Lewis Hamilton – almost choke typing his name! But that’s another story for another time. On the last day of December 2013, Michael Schumacher, notably the world’s most celebrated racing driver…
The Sometimes Long Middle
On that day, you won’t ask me for anything. Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, whatever you ask the Father for in my name, he will give it to you. John 16:23 Powerful little scripture there. Have you considered the “long middle” concerning your request and when it receives an answer, if at all?…
Black what & Cyber who?
The prediction in the continental USA for Black Friday and Cyber Monday estimates that 12 billion dollars in revenue will be traded. That’s really impressive! It’s a trend that grows every year without fail. It’s a trend that is spilling over into mainstream Europe and Southern Africa. The concept is genius. You own and operate…
We Need Your Help!
The Jubber Journal needs your help! Are you connected on Twitter or Facebook? Do you have a social network community that you connect with frequently? We are sitting on 858 followers and as the year comes to a close would be super excited to see 1,000 people signed up and following us… This is where…
Breaking the Silence
I am without excuse. Unbelievable lapse of time since I have posted anything – pretty sad. Sitting here today and reflecting on the past. It’s Father’s Day and all these months have simply trickled by, some good, some tough, but gone, they are. This is a significant time to send out a post…we left California…
How sad, an entire year has passed without a single journal entry. Lots has happened since January 18th 2012…watch this space, an update is coming soon.
…so ends 2011
There is no doubt in my mind that this has been an interesting year. I haven’t journaled for a while, this thing called life stepped into the path and no alternatives existed for me to sit down and ponder. Now, with a week away from work, I sit looking out the window across the way,…
A.O.T.P – All Over The Page
So it’s been a while since I posted a simple random thread. It’s Sunday afternoon and I figured while it’s still weekend, and the sun is fixing to set, and a few random things have happened lately, this would be a good time to catch up on my random access to information…in my mind. I…